Are you ready to fly and teach with confidence
Beehive is a teacher-led, but student-centred course with a strong emphasis on vocabulary and grammar that will prepare your students for exam success. Take a look inside and you’ll find clearly structured lessons, a comprehensive grammar and vocabulary syllabus, fun characters, real world content and exciting projects.
Whether you’re learning face to face, remotely or both,Beehiveoffers flexible learning tools for every situation.
Beehive includes:
- Student Book (print)
- Workbook (print)
- Online Practice (Students – 2 years’ access)
- Student e-book (2 years’ access)
- Workbook e-book (2 years’ access)
- Student Resources (2 years’ access)
- Teacher’s Guide (print)
- Online Practice (Teachers – 4 years’ access)
- Classroom Presentation Tools (Student Book, Workbook and Phonics & Literacy – 4 years’ access)
- Teacher Resources (4 years’ access)
- Classroom Resources Pack
- Comprehensive grammar and vocabulary syllabus based on the Oxford English Learning Framework and course-integrated assessment help students to achieve exam success
- Easy-to-teach approach with rich support empowers you to teach with confidence
- Team Up tasks and projects help students grow their global skills of communication and collaboration
- Think, feel, grow activities guide students’ social and emotional awareness and wellbeing
- Stories and videos bring international culture alive, encouraging students to learn about the world and become global citizens
- Assessment for Learning tools and guidance help students to accelerate their progress and achieve their goals at each stage of the learning journey