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Oxford Academic Vocabulary Practice Upper-Intermediate B2-C1 with Key

RM49.00 RM46.55

Vocabulary practice activities help you learn the key words you need to use when studying any academic subject in English at university level.

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Author : Julie Moore and Richard Storton

The academic vocabulary covered by the series is sourced from the Academic Word List, and the Oxford Corpus of Academic English. The Corpus is an 85-million-word corpus of academic sources, developed by Oxford University Press, the world’s authority on the English language. The Corpus shows how words are used across the four main subject areas of physical sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

Key Features:
  • Activities to improve your writing in key areas such as evaluating ideas, explaining concepts and expressing opinions
  • Covers 650 key words, with opportunities to practise words more than once
  • Authentic texts, showing how the words are used in academic writing
  • Highlighting of words from the Academic Word List
  • 650-word glossary with definitions and phonetics for all keywords
  • Useful reference sections on collocations, affixes and dependent prepositions
  • Complete answer key to all exercises for self-study
  • More practice exercises and short writing tasks available atwww.oup.com/elt/academicvocabulary
  • Also available: Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of Academic English (print and app) and Oxford Grammar for EAP