Acclaimed by language professionals the world over, the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary leads the field. The dictionary is based on the statistical evidence of vast electronic databanks ofreallanguage, both written and spoken, making it the most comprehensive, reliable, and up-to-date dictionary of French and English available today. And now, it has even better coverage of the language, with improved treatment of acronyms and EU terminology, as well as thousands of new words in both English and French.
The dictionary is a must for any serious student of the French language. It is tailored to the needs of the market in consultation with key academic advisors. This edition contains even more useful information for the language student abroad – sample bills and rent agreements help you orientate yourself in a new culture.
The Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary is the most complete and up-to-date dictionary of its size.
Key Features
- Hundreds of thousands of words spanning everything from technology and medicine to colloquial slang
- Clear colour layout for ease of use
- More material for students on their year abroad or anyone living in the French speaking world e.g. sample utility bills, bank statements, rent agreements
- Updated cultural notes – grasp the essence of the language